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Module changelog

The changelog of Dolos. This file only contains the changelog itself. You can find the display logic in ChangelogDisplay



Type aliases


Type aliases


Change: string

Type alias for a changelog entry.



CHANGELOG: Changelog = new Map([["0.3.0", [("The [Grobber API](https://grobber.docs.apiary.io/) client used by Dolos " +"now runs exclusively in the background. This improves result caching by a lot" +"and your subscriptions will play almost instantly!"),"Added a Debug mode which is entirely irrelevant to you","Reworked the Settings page","Added \"Embed Provider\" settings which allows you to block and order providers","Finally added some content for the help page","Instead of loading indefinitely when Grobber returns no embeds, Dolos now shows an error message","\"Continue Watching\" button now better indicates that it's loading",]],["0.2.4", ["Fixed anime search.","Changelog split in current version and old versions. This should make it a bit cleaner",]],["0.2.3", ["Added some new embed providers",("**Kitsu**: Fixed bug [DOLOS-31](https://sentry.io/share/issue/2c8e1d3970c64fea95833dccd631452d/) " +"which would break directly loading kitsu sites due to Dolos being active before Kitsu."),]],["0.2.2", ["**Kitsu**: Fixed browser crash caused by [Keen](https://keen.io/). How? By simply removing Keen!",]],["0.2.1", ["Showing loading animation for bookmark button","**Kitsu**: No longer breaks on [/explore/](https://kitsu.io/explore/anime) sites.","Showing more [Snackbars](https://material.io/design/components/snackbars.html) mhh, tasty...",`Continue Watching button now shows "start watching" when you haven't started an Anime`,"**MyAnimeList**: Fixed Subscription Toggle not responding",]],["0.2.0", ["Show notifications for new episodes. Hey, read it again, **THIS IS HUGE!**","Rewrote some of the storage logic. You hopefully won't notice this one. *Why did I even bring it up...*",("Only continuing to next episode if there actually is one. " +"No longer getting your hopes up for nothing, you're welcome."),"Added a version updater which should allow for breaking changes without affecting you.","Dolos' theme is now light instead of dark.",]],["0.1.1", ["Firefox Bugs have been fixed which means that it's now on the same level as the Chrome extension.",("If Dolos doesn't know how many episodes there are, " +"it will just hope for the best and continue to the next episode anyway."),"Oh and while we're at it, Dolos now respects the **auto next** setting",]],["0.1.0", ["Error reporting is now beautiful (I... yes. Just accept it)","Feel like Dolos didn't choose the correct Anime? Now **you can pick it yourself!**","Handling the case of there being no streams to play. *RIP in advance!*","**Kitsu**: ContinueWatching button updates with episodes watched.","**Kitsu**: Fixed issues related to Dolos not being able to retrieve the Anime from Kitsu","**MyAnimeList**: Moved the Continue button to the left, because let's be honest, that's where it belongs",]],["0.0.12", ["Showing a warning when marking episode as (un)watched failed","Continue watching button","Opening changelog directly when there's a new version",]],["0.0.11", ["Fixed Popup for Firefox","Feedback option is now somewhat viable",]],["0.0.10", [("This version only served as a placeholder to fix the broken version of `0.0.9` " +"that was *accidentally* deployed. Way to start a new year, eh?"),]],["0.0.9", ["Added a button to manually mark an episode as watched/unwatched","Fixed a bug which would render Dolos unable to update the progress on Kitsu","Fixed a similar bug for MyAnimeList which would break setting the progress on mobile","Theme selection for website has been fixed",]],["0.0.8", ["Fixed being unable to change embedded player","MyAnimeList Mobile support",]],["0.0.7", ["Fixed skip buttons not working on Kitsu","Fixed loading animation not showing properly",]],["0.0.6", ["Embedded Players no longer reload upon opening the selection menu","Highlighting new version",]],["0.0.5", ["Fixed styling issue with player which would lead to ugly borders","Added button to player to switch between dolos player (if possible) and embedded players",]],["0.0.4", ["Added this changelog. *Oh and I won't translate this to other languages so you may f\\*ck right off!*","**Embed selection** for episodes without direct streams","Automatic Anime **progress update**",]],]) as Changelog

A mapping of a version to its changes. This is done using a Map to make sure it can be iterated over in the right order.

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