Getting ready for development

3 minute read

Setting up Dolos

The first step is to get the code somehow. Usually guides recommend cloning the GitHub repository at this point, but I’m not that opinionated. Download the ZIP file and unpack it for all I care… If you don’t know how to download the code to your filesystem stop reading right now because this guide probably isn’t for you you can read-up how to do it here. Once you have downloaded the code, change into its directory.

Now that we have the code we need to install the dependencies. Use npm install and you’re already done. Unless it spits out an error or you don’t even have npm installed. Can’t help you with the former, but downloading npm is fairly straightforward.

Building the extension


They’re called “secrets”, but it’s really just a bunch of variables passed to the code. They can be set in the dolos-secrets.json file. You may also use environment variables by using the uppercase key from the file and prefixing it with “DOLOS_”.

For example:


Bundling the code

To use the extension we first need to build the extension! Why is that? Well, Dolos is written in TypeScript and most browsers don’t run TypeScript natively (citation needed).

To build the extension you can simply run npm run watch in the Dolos directory. This will, as the name implies, watch your files and re-build the extension files every time something changes (and it runs at the very start). This compiles the TypeScript files to JavaScript and stores it in the dist/js folder. Have a look if you’re interested (Why would that be the case? Who knows).

Node scripts

Here’s a rundown of all the npm run scripts available:


Run all available tests using Jest.


Run TSLint.


Run webpack with the configuration. This creates inline source-maps and is quite fast.


Run webpack with the configuration. This configuration is used to build the production-ready code. It is not suited for development.


Runs webpack with the build:dev configuration in watch mode. This means that the files are re-built when there’s a change in the source files. This is ideal for development.


Generate the documentation for Dolos using TypeDoc. After running the documentation can be found in the docs directory.

Getting i18n localisation files

The Dolos repository doesn’t contain the i18n translation files used by the extension to display messages in different languages. That’s because it uses Crowdin to translate them.

If you wish to use the translated files in the extension you can help translate and download them from Dolos’ Crowdin page. This will download a zip file containing the translations which you need to unpack to dist/_locales/.

Installing the Extension

Of course we would like to test our extension along the way. To do that we need to install the extension first. The installation progress depends on the browser you would like to use during development:


If you want to develop using Firefox you need to copy the contents of manifest.firefox.json to manifest.json (overwrite it). After that you can run npx web-ext run --source-dir dist which will automatically start a Firefox browser with the extension installed (If you don’t have npx installed, install it using npm install --global npx).

Whenever the code is rebuilt web-ext detects it and reloads the extension for you. This can lead to duplicated elements when it comes to content scripts so you will have to reload the page manually.

If this approach does not work for you you can visit about:debugging in Firefox, press the Load Temporary Add-on... button, navigate to the dist/ directory and select the manifest.json file. This approach won’t automatically reload the extension, you will have to press the reload button manually.


If you prefer using Chrome, copy the contents of to manifest.json (again, overwrite it). To actually install the extension you need to open the Chrome browser, go to chrome://extensions and click Load unpacked which should allow you to pick a folder. Choose the dist folder in the Dolos directory.

Unlike Firefox, Chrome doesn’t automatically reload the extension for you. When you rebuild the extension you need to manually reload the extension by pressing the reload button.